Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holy Crap!

It's amazing! It's a miracle! I actually have the time to sit down and post to the blog! Wow.

The last few weeks for me have been C-R-A-Z-Y. In November: I had an essay due on the 11th, and an essay due on the 25th. Also, there was one week when I went out on 3 of the 7 nights. Shouldn't have done that. Haha. However, on one of those nights, Claire and I did end up in The Evening Herald, just for being awesome barstars who were out clubbing on a Wednesday night. Sweet! I've only lived here 3 months and I've already been in the newspaper. Haha.



It's not a bad picture, either. The funniest part is that they spelled Claire's name wrong, but not mine. Her last name is McBride, not McBrice.

Earlier in November, Kalen and I found the time to walk up Killiney Hill while some of the trees still had their leaves in brilliant autumnal colours. It was very pretty.

Winter 001

Winter 002

Winter 006

Winter 008

We hiked up to the obelisk.

Winter 025

The view of Co. Wicklow was lovely, as usual (even though it wasn't as green this time).

Winter 016

And the view of Dalkey Hill and beyond...

Winter 028

Winter 042

Winter 035

Dalkey Island doesn't really look any different at all.

Winter 029

We came across this little stone house. We couldn't figure out what it was or why it was built on the side of the hill. ( seem to know about all this stuff. What is this?)

Winter 037

We couldn't make out what it said over the door because it was so faded.

Winter 039

The building itself is not very big.

Winter 041

We named it the Hidey Hole, and that's what it will be until we find out what it actually is. :)

Kalen had never been to the Guinness brewery, so we took a little trip down there yesterday.

On the way there, I took a few snaps of the Christmas lights on O'Connell Street. They built a giant bobble tree out of LED lights. It's quite cute. Unfortunately, it doesn't look as impressive as it could because they built it next to the spire. So I left the spire out of my shots.

Winter 052

It's not just white lights. It changes colour every few seconds...

Winter 051

Winter 053

Winter 055

Don't ask me what this means. I couldn't tell you.

Winter 057

They hung some big bobbly LED wreaths on Henry Street to match the tree. It's a shame it wasn't darker outside when I went to take these pictures.

Winter 058

This week I'll have to go take pictures of the lights on Grafton Street. You could see them from space. It's actually ridiculous.

In the brewery! I didn't take a lot of pictures, because I already had a bunch from when James and I were there in March. For anyone who hasn't been, you should really check it out when you're in Dublin. It's pretty freaking cool. And the cost of admission also gets you a free pint of Guinness at the end. Sweeeeet.

Mmmm...Tasting Lab. Tasting just happens to be my favourite thing to do with Guinness! Just send all those kegs to my apartment, kthnx.

Winter 078

Kalen under the waterfall.

Winter 067

Me under the waterfall.

Winter 068

Lots of neat Guinness bottles from different countries and different years.

Winter 087

Well if it says so on a poster, then it must be true!

Winter 098

There are no words to express how much I love this plate.

Winter 091

Have yourself a Guinness little Christmas!

Winter 102

Cheers! The best part...getting the free pint. And then drinking it.

Winter 104

Yummy! These didn't last long.

Winter 105

In other news, I've been doing a little bit of decorating for winter. Nothing special, just little things.

Some sparkly branches shoved in a vase. I immediately regretted this decision. There is glitter EVERYWHERE.

Winter 118

Mum sent me a little bird. He's quite cute.

Winter 126

Winter 128

I found this really cheap at the hardware store. I heart it.

Winter 124

I wanted something sort of snowy-looking, so I made a garland out of white and icey blue pom poms. I'm fairly happy with how it turned out. Like little snowballs.

Winter 133

Winter 135

I also bought a blender last week, and made some really awesome wintery vegetable soup over the weekend. Butternut squash, sweet potato, carrots, parsnip, onion, garlic, organic vegetable stock, spices, ground flaxseed, and soy yogurt. Thick and creamy and warm. Perfect for cold days. Yum yum!

Winter 109

December will not be any less busy. I've got a paper due tomorrow (finished already, obviously), and a presentation on Tuesday (also finished) and a presentation on Wednesday (almost finished) and a presentation on the 10th (not finished). Blarg! I'm going to be so exhausted by the time school finishes for the break!

But on the plus side, 21 sleeps till I get to come home! I wonder if I can just sleep through the next 21 days...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Photo Mosaic

Hey all! I know I haven't posted in a ridiculous amount of time, but I've been very busy with school. VERY busy. I've started doing a little bit of winter decorating, but I'm not going to take pictures until it's done. Sometime within the next couple of weeks, I swear! The big news from today...*drum roll, please*....I bought a blender. Very exciting. I plan on making some vegetable soup this weekend. Hooray!

Anyways, I've stolen this idea from Mum and you can view hers on her blog. It was fun, and I think everyone else should get in on this too!

Here's how it works, go to The Mosaic Maker and create a 3 x 4 photo mosaic. Use only pictures from the first page of a flickr search. Your 12 photos will be the answers to the questions:

1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favourite food?
3. What high school did you attend?
4. What is your favourite colour?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favourite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favourite dessert?
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One word to describe you?
12. Your Flickr name?

Here is mine...

My creation

2. Sushi
3. U of W Collegiate
4. Pink
5. Ewan McGregor
6. Soya Latte
7. Fiji
8. Pumpkin Pie
9. Montessori Teacher
10. Children
11. Obsessive
12. elenaprzibislawsky (the search didn't actually return anything, so I used my flickr profile picture instead.)

I quite like it. My challenge to everyone is to make your own!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

2 weeks off school!

And I was actually fairly prouctive! Can you believe it? That said, I really don't want to go back to class tomorrow morning. Blah.
I had two weeks off because the first week was reading week, and then the second week was teaching practice, which is going better now than when I started, but it's still not great.
In the last two weeks I finished an essay for my Montessori Theory class, finished knitting a scarf for my friend in Edmonton and sent it off in the post to him, got some Christmas shopping done, got a birthday present for Nathan and sent it off in the post, made a big pot of chicken noodle soup from scratch to get me through the winter, scammed myself some chocolate chips and made cookies, cleaned my whole apartment, and hand-dyed some yarn. phew! I also did plenty of sitting around on my ass playing computer games or reading or watching DVDs on my laptop. Yesterday I didn't even get dressed all day. But in my defense, it was laundry day.

Here are some pictures of the things I did that were worth taking pictures of:

Mmm...soup. I'm extra proud of it because I made the broth myself. Plus everything in it is organic. Yum yum!


"The Andrew Scarf". It's a mighty big scarf. As I was knitting it, it felt like I was sitting under a big wool blanket. Knit in Rowan "Big Wool" with the tassels in Debbie Bliss Rialto.


I tried it on and it nearly swallowed me!


All rolled up and ready to be stuffed in a big envelope.


My hand-dyed yarn isn't photographing well, unfortunately. It's actually nicer than the photos would have you believe.


My first attempt, in aran weight


My second attempt, also aran weight. These colours are super fantastic in real life.


And the big skein of sock weight. This colour pattern has now been adopted (stolen. lol) by the Dublin Dye Company and has been named "Whimsy".


Here they are hanging up to dry at home.


I'm totally hooked on yarn dying now. Damn you, Elana and Yvonne!!