Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Down to the wire

We're down to less than a week now, and things are more or less ready to go. Aside from getting some Euros from the bank, doing some laundry and then cramming the last of my worldly posessions into my suitcases, things are pretty much done.
I've got all my paperwork in order so that they let me into the country. Actually, I shouldn't say that. What I should say is that I've got all my paperwork in order that the Irish Embassy in Ottawa told my mother that I would need to be allowed into the country. Here's the part where all I can really do is cross my fingers and hope that this really is what I need. I cannot even express to you the kind of language that I will let fly if it turns out that the embassy has led me wrong. Again. But for now, I've got everything in order.
I've got everything that I need ( I think). I'm sure I'll remember no less than five things that I've forgotten within hours of arriving in Dublin. Just wait. It'll happen. Not that I'm disorganized, because I've got pretty mad organizational skills. It's just that trying to move one's entire life from one country to another results in a wee bit of frazzle-ization. Rly.
I've got one suitcase packed, and another one mostly packed, and most of the rest of the things I'm taking stacked out in neat(ish) piles, eagerly awaiting the return of Ian and Nigel from Alaska, so that I can have my last suitcase. I don't know whose idea this was to have them leave and get back THE DAY BEFORE Mum and I leave for Ireland, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Just saying is all.
Oh, I almost forgot. I'm also losing my mind completely. I'll leave you with the words that have been playing through my mind over and over for the past 2 weeks....



aniexma said...

I know what you're doing. You're taking a brilliant, brave leap into the big wide world. That's something that if not done when you're young might never happen.

Don't doubt, just leap!

Jane said...

Elly - you will be fine! I have total confidence in you. Your charm, intelligence, kindness and beauty are tremendous assets. The education and experience you gain in this endeavor will be of tremendous value to you in the future.
We all love you and Ireland is not so far away - especially when you can read your mom's blog and see photos of Whimsy on a regular basis.
Love love love Auntie Jane