Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Rushed Post

This post is coming in the very short amount of time in between England and France. However, I anticipate taking a ridiculous amount of photos in Paris, so I figured I should get this post out of the way before I leave.

First bit of news is that I'm broken again. I was out celebrating my birthday, and "missed" a set of stairs. Long story short, the kneecap isn't broken as was originally suspected, but there's pretty significant damage to the quad muscles where they stretch over the knee. Go me. So I've been on crutches since then and it's a pretty major pain in the arse. However, when I went to physio today I was told that I have just one more week on the crutches. Hooray!

The good news is that being injured has not been stopping me from my world travels. Last weekend I popped over to northern England to meet up with an old friend. Actually, this friend and I have a pretty interesting story. His name is Ian, and he and I were matched up via a penpal service run through our schools when we were 12. We've stayed in touch for the last 10 years and only met in person for the first time last weekend. It was very exciting. I didn't take many pictures on this trip, partially because this part of England isn't overly picturesque, but mostly because I was there to visit and not really to site-see. All in all, it was a fantastic trip and he's already working on obtaining a passport so he can come visit me in Winnipeg. w00t!

Anyways, on to the pictures!

Ian drove me up to the top of a big hill overlooking Chorley (near Liverpool).

England 04-2009 001

England 04-2009 002

England 04-2009 003

England 04-2009 004

England 04-2009 005

England 04-2009 006

England 04-2009 007

England 04-2009 008

And to the beach at Blackpool.

England 04-2009 010

England 04-2009 015

England 04-2009 014

which has a windmill for some reason...

England 04-2009 018

England 04-2009 023

England 04-2009 025

And then we went to the pub for drinking!

England 04-2009 029

Tomorrow, Kalen and I leave for Paris, where we'll be until Monday. We are both très excited. Our French is slightly rusty, but we'll get by. Expect updates next week at some point! I'm off to pack and sleep!


aniexma said...

Chorley is beautiful and pastoral. I can't believe you think Chorley isn't picturesque, clearly you've forgotten what Winnipeg looks like - poor Ian is going to be in for quite a shock!

Jane said...

All these world travels are so exciting!! You really must squeeze in Italy (the SHOES!!!!), and the Ice Hotel in Sweden! And how about the Norwegian Fjords? Is it possible to get to Leningrad? How about a chocolate tour? Switzerland, France, Belgium,.....?