Monday, January 19, 2009

What Comes Next? *not child friendly*

I know they say, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

...but what am I supposed to make when life hands me a giant shitstorm?

Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm back.

What's that? It's been a month since I last posted? Yeah, sorry about that. There's been a lot going on lately, some of which I'm not going to get into right now.

I went home for Christmas, and it was lovely to see everyone. I also made sure to steal bags and bags of yarn from Mum. She's not complaining though, because now she gets to restock her massive stash. If Nigel is reading this, that doesn't say "massive stash" it says "miniscule stash". Shhh.

I've been knitting, knitting, knitting lately. Mostly because I'm feeling rather uninspired when it comes to my schoolwork. Blah. Unfortunately there's a lot of that. However, I did manage to knit myself a supremely rad slouchy beret over the holidays. The yarn totally makes it. It's an Elana original via the Dublin Dye Company. We finally figured out that the colourway is called Sugarplum and it's the most gorgeous sock yarn ever created. No jokes. Take a look!

This is the yarn before it grew up to become a hat.

pre-xmas and stash 094

Fantastique, non?

Please excuse these pictures, as they're not great. Yvonne took some better ones last night, but I've not got them yet. But you get the general idea. Here it is all grown up as a slouchy beret of pure awesomeness.



Like I said, more pictures to come.

It's the same pattern as Mum's most recent beret (done in the yarn I dyed for her). Spin Me Right Round Baby. It's a Ravelry pattern for anyone interested. Super easy. I made the ribbing longer on mine, but other than that, it's not much different from the original pattern.

Other recently finished and unblogged projects include...

The silk eyelet scarf for MamaT (oooh, soft!)

Christmas and knitting 011

The hand-dyed iPod cozy for The Boy (modelled by my old iPod)

Christmas and knitting 007

The Party Lace Scarf for Colleen (my first lace project AND my first time knitting with beads!)

pre-xmas and stash 013

And one of a great many mug cozies that I made as Christmas presents out of my hand-dyed yarn. (Awesome pattern. Also on Ravelry)

pre-xmas and stash 118

I'm currently working on my braided scarf (I swear I'll finish it someday! and my Miski mittens (it's about time. I've only been planning on starting these for two months).

Winnipeg was freaking cold. 'Nuff said. And while it's not nearly as cold in Dublin, it is still fairly cold and (lucky me) my boiler crapped out this morning. Joy. So I have no heat and they're not sending someone to fix it until tomorrow afternoon. But wait, all is not lost! Elana came to my rescue with an electric heater she wasn't using! So I won't die of cold before tomorrow. Thank you, Elana! <3

I suppose I should go work on some papers for school that are coming up soon. Blah. I so don't feel like it. I'd just like everyone to know that. Kthnx.

Before I go, here's something I stole from Yvonne. It's a Wordle - a cloud of the 200 most commonly used words in my blog. I've noticed that most of these words are edible, or relating to food in some way. Oh dear.

Wordle: Mostly Edible.

Go ahead, try one for yourself!

And I believe I'll leave you all with a shihtzuknitzu. Enjoy!



Yvonne is a saint and sent me those pictures she took of my beret. Thanks, Yvonne!

