Monday, September 1, 2008

Tomorrow is the day...

...And I, for one, am not particularly excited about it.  There are plenty of other words I could choose to describe my feelings, but excited is not one of them. Some these words I won't use, because I have discovered that there are children reading my blog. However, the words I will throw out there are: terrified, confused, upset, and already missing everybody, including my now hairless shih tzu.
On the plus-ish side, I may have found a place to live. It's in Monkstown, right near Dun Laoghaire (apparently only 20 minutes walk to the College). So long story short, I have an appointment to view the apartment the same day Mum and I get to Dublin, and if it really does look like the ad, then I may end up living there. Everyone cross your fingers for me. kthnx.
I'll contact everyone via facebook once I have an address and phone number and let you all know what it is. Then I'll need everyone's address and postal code for postcards and letters and the like.
With tearful goodbyes, I'll see you in Dublin. Love you!

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